What is Relaps?

It started off as my name, Rachel Elizabeth Lapierre. But as the brand has evolved and grown, it has come to my attention that it is much more than that. Relaps is the story of life, it’s about figuring it out as you go. There are going to be times when you loop back around into old habits and feel like you've failed; but as long as you learn and don’t fully relapse, then it’s relaps. The name stands for the process that it took to get Relaps where it is now, and how it will continue to grow.

This brand is meant to inspire you to shift your paradigm. Some might ask "How can a clothing brand change how I see the world and myself?" And the answer is, it can't. Only you can do that. The items that Relaps offers are only meant to serve as a reminder to continue freeing your mind. 




The Mind Behind It All


ReLaps originated from: Rachel Elizabeth Lapierre 

Rachel Elizabeth Lapierre grounds her aesthetic in a philosophy that views comfort as a physical and mental phenomenon. Using her training and experience across artistic disciplines from photography and painting to woodworking and welding, she offers wearers of her fashion an opportunity to enjoy an aesthetic experience that is also comfortable and affordable.

Her creative process is open and expansive. She believes in including new perspectives and novel ideas into her diverse collections, providing space for almost anyone to enjoy her work. Lapierre knows that creativity and art can have an even more profound impact on people’s lives—just as it has shaped and guided her own.

Through her designs, customers and wearers engage in crossing borders, pushing boundaries, and freeing the mind to relax, reflect, and become renewed. Her mission is to bring streetwear and an artistic community into your life, inviting you to relax your mind, stimulate your senses, and inspire your own passions—all while feeling great about what you’re wearing.